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November 14, 2024
For More Information Contact:

JP O'Hare

(518) 474-1201




Statement From JP O’Hare, Education Department Spokesperson

Today, the State Education Department announced the release of the 2023-24 New York State Report Card annual assessment results on our public data site. This data includes annual student results on standardized New York State assessments: Grades 3-8 English Language Arts, Grades 3-8 Mathematics, Grades 5 & 8 Science, Annual Regents Examinations, total Cohort Regents Examinations, New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT), New York State Alternate Assessments (NYSAA) and the most recent results on the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) administered by the National Center for Educational Statistics.

As we have done in the past, for the Grades 3-8 exams and Grades 5 and 8 Science exams, the Department provided districts with instructional reports in June and individual student test scores based on preliminary data in August for programming, instructional services, and parent engagement. For Regents Exam results, students received scores directly from their school.

The results provide information about students’ academic progress and achievement, including specific skill and concept areas. However, results from these annual state assessments do not and cannot tell the whole story of student proficiency. Results can be used to determine whether there is a need for additional support in school and can also help teachers in their instructional planning. Parents may use the results of the state assessments to monitor their child’s learning and inform conversations with their child’s teacher about how their child is progressing in their grade level. The annual tests are intended to be one measure among multiple measures of student learning, and they are one tool of many used by educators to ensure students are getting the services and supports they need to prepare for career, college, and civic readiness.Ìý

New York State Report Card data is available on the Department’s .