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Copy Revised PDF Files to the Web Server (Y: Drive)

  1. Open the PDF folder in Windows Explorer
  1. In a separate Windows Explorer window, open your website which is on the Y: drive.
  1. Under the C: drive, open the articles folder under the AOC > Resources folder.
  2. Highlight to mark the files. Right click and select Cut.
  3. Under the Y: drive, open the articles folder under the AOC > Resources folder.
  4. Right click and select Paste
  5. Select this for the next 7 conflicts.
  6. Click Move and Replace
  7. The revised files replace the old files.
  8. Open the articles folder under the AOC > Resources folder.
  9. Check in the files that do not have a padlock icon next to them.
  10. Move the rest of your revised PDF files to the Y: drive.
  11. Follow the same steps
  12. You can also follow the Update files on the server instructions.