Allergies and Anaphylaxis Management in SchoolsÌý(Updated April 2024)
Athletic Placement Process (Updated December 2017)
Blood Borne Pathogens in Classrooms
Concussion Management Guidelines (Updated August 2023)
- Based on the Concussion Management and Awareness Act, effective July 1, 2012
Educational Services for Recently Arrived Unaccompanied Children (2014)
Handwashing Recommendations and Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer Use in Schools (2020)
Health Advisory on MRSA by the Á½ÐÔÊÓƵ and the New York State Department of Health on MRSA and resources for schools.
Health Examination Guidelines for Schools (November 2022)
- Required NYS School Health Examination Form (May 2023)
- Required NYS School Health Examination Form (May 2023)
- Updated Information Regarding Health Exams for Athletics (September 2022)
- Instructions for Completion of NYS School Health Examination FormÌý(2020)
HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Guidance (2019)
Immunization Guidelines for Schools (updated June 2024)
Interval Health History for Athletics
- (June 2023)
- (June 2023)
- Historial de Salud Intermedio para Atletismo (Junio 2022)
Managing Emergency Health Care and Communicable Diseases in the School Setting (Updated November 2023)
Medication Management in Schools (Revised April 2024)
Menstrual Products in Schools (December 2023)
Parent/Guardian Notifications Regarding Student Illness or Injury
PreKindergarten Health Services Guidance (October 2022)
Sports Physicals Information (2000)
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- (posted August 2022)
- Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act Memo
- Sample Parent/Guardian Letter for Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Prevention
- See Health Examinations Guidelines for Schools and Managing Emergency Health Care and Communicable Diseases in the School Setting for more information
Supporting Toilet Learning (2023)